The Common Tragedy of Orthodontics

January 4, 2018, 10:00 PM: I am 12 hours away from the beginning of endless pain. Braces. This is becoming the most common cause of aesthetic problems in North America! Now, I am going to be part of it! This is where I sleep and hope that it is all a dream. Still curious how it will feel AFTER the anesthetic wears off. Here are some anecdotes:
"It will feel like your entire mouth is being ripped apart and you don't want to talk because you can only scream." - Nihilistic Sister
"All that horrific talking is just a hyperbole and I will be fine. Right?" -   Optimistic Me
Even my optimistic self is unsure!

January 5, 2018, 5:00 PM: I just got internet access right now, so here is the run down. 

  1. I only got braces on the sides, so I don't look too bad, but it still is hard to eat my favorite foods, but will be easier to adjust.
  2. The bottom wire is not yet in place due to difficulty placing the bracket. So yay for me! 
  3. Ok with eating.
January 7th, 2018, 7:00 PM: Here is an update.
  1. The bottom 3 brackets, which are in place want to cause internally bleeding by poking my cheek to death.
  2. I hate to say it, but I have school tomorrow. 😞🙁
  3. Also,
    UPDATE: Sorry for the late post. I will now be posting once a week, but with longer and hopefully better posts.
    Here is a graphic I created for braces:

    Quote of the Post: "Believe and act as if it were impossible to fail"Charles Kettering 


    1. It gets better, so don't lose hope! Also, eating softer foods and using the dental wax they should have provided you with will help with the PAIN. Trust me; I know from experience.



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